Modern Slavery Policy

Modern Slavery Act 2015 (MSA)

Jordec Communications Limited is a private limited company, incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 13427803. The Registered Office is at Suite 7, 6 Challenge Way, Colchester, Essex, CO1 2LY (referred to as Jordec, We, or Us).

Services and Supply

At Jordec, our commitment to human rights is explicit and outlined in our established Ethical Business Practices Policy. Our Code of Conduct explicitly addresses these issues, emphasizing zero tolerance towards slavery and human trafficking. We prioritize upholding the human rights of all individuals within our workforce and supply chain.

We are dedicated to preventing slavery, trafficking, bonded labor, forced or servile marriage, descent-based slavery, and domestic work within our business operations and supply chain. To achieve this, we undertake the following measures:

  1. Ensure transparent and regularly reviewed recruitment processes with robust vetting procedures for appointing personnel.
  2. Raise awareness of modern slavery among our employees and suppliers to combat its hidden nature.
  3. Challenge and support our suppliers in eliminating modern slavery and human trafficking.
  4. Apply both the spirit and the letter of the law to our internal practices.

During the financial year ending June 31, 2024, Jordec Business Services Ltd has implemented measures to prevent slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains.

Jordec is a prominent facilities management and professional services company, serving a diverse clientele across various sectors. We employ individuals and operate in the UK and Republic of Ireland.

Our supply chain primarily consists of skilled technical contractors and trades, with occasional use of temporary labor in specific areas. We hold our suppliers to high standards similar to those we uphold in our business.

Jordec has established a comprehensive set of policies and procedures to mitigate the risks of slavery and human trafficking in our operations. These include our Ethical Business Practices Policy, Employee Handbook, Procurement Policy, and Whistleblowing Procedure, among others. Regular reviews ensure compliance with statutory obligations and best practices.

Employee awareness and compliance are paramount, with access to our policies and procedures provided through the Employee Handbook. We prioritize ethical stewardship and responsible business practices.

Supplier onboarding includes due diligence procedures to assess suitability and compliance with required standards. We conduct audits to ensure that our suppliers meet our expectations, including adherence to legal requirements and the Modern Slavery Act.

Jordec conducts continuous analysis of its supply chain to identify potential risk areas and engages in ongoing monitoring and mitigation efforts. We emphasize training and awareness among employees and suppliers to prevent modern slavery.

Our Whistleblowing Procedure allows individuals to report concerns of unlawful conduct, including suspected slavery or human trafficking, without fear of retaliation. We actively promote reporting mechanisms to address such issues.

This statement, as required by the Modern Slavery Act 2015, reflects Jordec Communications Ltd’s commitment to combatting slavery and human trafficking and has been approved by the Board of Directors for the financial year ending June 31, 2024.

John Greenaway
Jordec Communications Ltd – CEO
10th July 2024